Author: My books present semi-fictional stories based on Bible verses and narratives. Do not mistake these for Sunday School lessons, they are far from that. Available online in both paperback and electronic book form from sources such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Some of the comments I've received ask if the stories are true and from life experiences. I think that is a good indication I've done my job as an author.
Public Speaker
We offer some insights into a wide range of subjects. Especially secrets hidden in plain sight in the Bible. Our newest series "Pistis the Third Element" is a 30–45-minute introductory presentation examining where we are today in regard to our understanding of faith, compared to where some of the original New Testament writers were. Other topics include "Knowledge where does it come from?" "Does science disprove the Bible?" and "The Ten Promises."
These and many more topics are available to organizations. Soon we will be offering podcast segments.
Schedule a talk at your facility please click here.
As a 55+ Life coach I encourage people to discover their true self. Helping them understand "You are not what you did, you are so much more."
Life after 55 can be challenging, however I have witnessed remarkable things happen when people adjust their attitude. We encourage people to LIVE after 55!
Discover what you like and want, provided it doesn't cause harm to you or those around you do it!
Entrepreneur: Starting TLS WindSled Inc in 2005 we began as a dealership for a US made hovercraft. Since that time, we added Hovercraft Ice Rides on Geneva Lake Wisconsin during winter, began to expand our offering to include other brands of hovercraft, and now are in the process of producing our own dubbed the WindSled 16 incorporating many of the things we wanted to see in a hovercraft.
Public Speaker
We offer some insights into a wide range of subjects. Especially secrets hidden in plain sight in the Bible. Our newest series "Pistis the Third Element" is a 30–45-minute introductory presentation examining where we are today in regard to our understanding of faith, compared to where some of the original New Testament writers were. Other topics include "Knowledge where does it come from?" "Does science disprove the Bible?" and "The Ten Promises."
These and many more topics are available to organizations. Soon we will be offering podcast segments.
Schedule a talk at your facility please click here.
As a 55+ Life coach I encourage people to discover their true self. Helping them understand "You are not what you did, you are so much more."
Life after 55 can be challenging, however I have witnessed remarkable things happen when people adjust their attitude. We encourage people to LIVE after 55!
Discover what you like and want, provided it doesn't cause harm to you or those around you do it!
Entrepreneur: Starting TLS WindSled Inc in 2005 we began as a dealership for a US made hovercraft. Since that time, we added Hovercraft Ice Rides on Geneva Lake Wisconsin during winter, began to expand our offering to include other brands of hovercraft, and now are in the process of producing our own dubbed the WindSled 16 incorporating many of the things we wanted to see in a hovercraft.